Monday, November 4, 2019 tall are you?!

Tonight marked our 6 month growth reportings!


So, this is ALWAYS such an INTENSE time in the Law home!

When this day comes...BOTH girls just get soooooo serious and can NOT wait to see who has grown the most!


the results are in....





Lex. In 6 months she has grown almost THREE (3) inches! YEP! I mean...she goes from a size 1 to a size 6 shoe...and almost 3 inches in 6 months! Like that is just unbelievable! That is the biggest growth spurt I have ever heard of!

Lily grew a little over an inch....

which is average for a 6 month span...

BUT....she was NOT happy that Alexis grew more than her this round! :)

Lily was up first! OH...the seriousness! 
 The obligatory signing of the name on the wall! :)
 Not a muscle was moved!
 Signing away!
 Look at that growth! :)
 Alexis' picture didnt turn out very viewable of her growth...but it was HUGE! She is a couple inches shy of being my height............and she can already wear my shoes! WHAT???!!

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