Friday, November 29, 2019

Lanier Islands~ Part 2!

So, bright and early the next day...we headed to breakfast and then spent the entire day at 'License to Chill!'

The kids had a BLAST and the day was perfection! The weather was so nice...the views were amazing and we had the best time making TONS of memories and sharing TONS of laughs!

'Tis the Season!
We loved our buffalo plaid!
Love these two!
We had the best time playing in the snow!
Love this little girl with no front teeth!
They kept wrestling in the snow! Calhoun didnt know what to think! ha! they went!
She is just toooooo cool for school! :)
Snow girl!
Ice skating! OHH...Alexis...she is not so talented at ice skating! ha! She was happy to push that 'helper' around! ha!
Bahaha....look at Alexis in the back! ha!
Cassell has been requesting me to take her ice skating for a month was SO excited to finally get to skate with me! {I have NO idea how she got it in her head to want to do it with me...but I was excited that we got to!} :)
Lake Lanier was so pretty!
THIS was SO much fun! We loved going down soooo fast!
We rode this contraption like 15 times!
They would just sit on it and stay and the guy would start it again! The area wasnt crowded at all so we rode allll the rides as many times as we wanted!
So fun!
THIS....I just can NOT describe! So, Tyler, Alexis, Lily and I rode this and it was something! We spun SUPER....SUPER fast around and around and the faster it went the more 'stuck' to the sides we became to where we could not move a muscle! Literally it was the oddest feeling! I was laughing soooo hard but then I got stuck that way because of the pressure. It was hilarious!
Bumper cars were a big hit!
This was my driving partner! :)
The largest snow tubing ride! They loved it!
Ready to go!
Racing down!
Tyler and Lex raced...Alexis blew him out of the water!
Lily rode and rode and rode!
So...I did this! Yeah...NObody else would ride with me....AND....when I rode...there was NO one else on it. Just me. JUST me. ON this! See that white blob up high in the air...that was me! This ride was amazing! Oh my goodness I have never flown in the air like I did on this ride! It was crazy!
We went back to the lodge...rested...cleaned up and then headed to a great restaurant for dinner! We made a Starbucks run before all piling into the ole minivan and driving to see all the Christmas lights together!
While we were looking at all the lights...we were singing Christmas songs! Well..Calhoun said he wanted to sing 'Away in a Manger' by himself. So...we all stopped to hear him. Well...he started singing..'If youre happy and you know...pull your ear!' And would not stop signing it! We were all laughing so hard! :)
They had some beautiful lights!
Then we finished off the night like this! Notice the little head by 'Joe!' Calhoun wanted him to teach him how to 'hit the balls!' Such sweet memories made and cant wait for our next adventure with the Rays! :)
The next day..we loaded up and headed home! We enjoyed the beautiful afternoon at home before heading to meet Gran and Ben for dinner at the new Buffalo Wild Wings in Gadsden!

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