Friday, November 22, 2019

Some turkey!

MARK it!

Officially on Thanksgiving BREAK! Whoop WHHOOPP!

We had a couple of different kinds of turkey this week!

My work family during Thanksgiving lunch! BOY the Caf was packed and we felt like sardines...but it was OH so good! And...dont mind me...I had 3 plates of goodness! :)
Then...two little turkeys came to my house! So cute!
 This crew had SO much fun at the JSU Fall Festival with alllll the rides and games! The Festival was a hit!
 Then tonight.....Chris threw Emily a surprise birthday party that we attended! The girls went to the movies and shopping with Gran so while they were having fun...we were celebrating Emily and enjoying Moes! YUM! That sure is alot of 'glow' in this picture! :) :)
 And...just a pretty Fall day..the other I snapped some cute Fall pictures of this toothless cutie!
So adorable!
NO teeth! :)

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