Friday, November 22, 2019

BIG hair....and ALL the eye shadow...1st school dance to the 80's!

The girls were super excited about their 1st dance! I had a cute little 'getting ready' set up for 5 of them to get together and have fun before they headed off!

There were alot of memories made!

I have to took A LOT of energy...on us Mom's part.... to get the girls to comprehend and embrace the 80's style!

OH my goodness.....they just could not understand exactly how big the hair had to much color they needed to wear....and how much eye shadow needed to be applied! :) :)

Alexis made the comment....'WHY would ANYone want to wear and look like this everyday!?!?!'
bahaha! the 80's...they didnt think it was a problem...that is the way it was during those times...they embraced it! ha! :)

They all were together after school...heading straight to my house! They had the best time together!
They enjoyed snacks while they got ready! 'Cheers to a fun dance with best friends'....they said! :)
 Access the scene! :)
 Here she is...the 80's Queen! :)
Love how it all turned out for them!
Straight out of the 80's!! Perfection! ha!
A friend posted to me that Alexis looks just like Michelle Pfeiffer in Grease 2! I totally agree! Nailed it!
Caroline and Lex! Love them!
They were over taking pictures and were ready to GO!
Sweet girls....with 'dramatic' as their middle name! ALL of them! ha! Us Mom's....WHEW...were tired! :)
More friends at the dance!
Some of the guys decided to join in for a picture! Alexis said there was a big turn-out so that was good to hear!
BIG 6th graders!
Lily and Callie had fun with Tyler at the JSU Fall Festival so I will post on that next! I hated that to big and fun events fell on the same night! BOO! :)

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