Monday, November 11, 2019

A girl's day!

We celebrated Veteran's day with a day off of work and school and instead we took off to Birmingham for lunch, shopping and girl time!

I like the trade! :)

We had a sweet little friend spend yesterday afternoon with us! Her Mommy and her went for a walk and came over to say hello. Then we ended up keeping her for a little while! :) These two played and played and played before I dropped her back home!
Cheers to a Starbucks girl's day! I would say its perfection as we have the make-up aisle in Target shopping! :)
It was such a beautiful day today! Could not ask for a better day to enjoy being outside! I cant believe that the very next is going to be freezing! It makes me sad!
After shopping...we had the BEST lunch at one of our favorites! We love Cowfish!
We did a little more shopping....and then headed home to enjoy the rest of the afternoon gearing up for the remaining work week!

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