Sunday, November 17, 2019

Our weekend!

Oh the weather was perfection alllll weekend! It was beautiful! It was the perfect  Fall air! No rain...all sunshine!

We needed it!

We had a low-key weekend! And...when I say low-key...that means we are at home, mostly, which means we have a house full of girls...pretty much the whole weekend!

And..that is just what happened!

Friday night we had an impromptu dinner date with the Sorianos, Fritts, Christophers and Adams at Baja to kick off the weekend! For all of us to decide to go to dinner literally 30 minutes before we met takes skill! ha!

After dinner, we ended up with two extra girls with us for a spend the night party!

So before I go into our weekend....let me explain!
So, Nursing is with exercise science, etc now that we are a 'School of Health Professions and Wellness.' So, we {Im referring to us in this picture...'Nursing' crew} have gotten to know all the faculty, etc, that is in that department now that we are all 'one.'
So, our awesome 'new' friend, Amy, is an awesome Pound instructor and has been trying for months to get this crew {pictured} to do her Pound class since all of us {pictured} have been working out at the REC center. Amy keeps saying...if yall can go to the REC center...then yall better be doing my Pound class!
Well, we have been putting her off {bahaha...long story but none of us wanted to do Pound!} until Friday! :)
We were read to get our Pound on!
We survived! So, let me tell you! Amy {in the front} did a private lesson for us! Well...Tricia {the girl in the pink tshirt} is never into working out...and she is crazy :) :) needless to say...there is never a dull moment with this group...and I laughed SOOOO hard the entire time! Tricia decided to throw in some of her dance moves instead of following along with Amy {because of course we love some 'fun'...'pump it up' music} and it was just hilarious!
Such a fun time and I love these ladies!
So....this little one spent the night with us....until....

So, around 9:30 Lily comes to me and says...'Momma, I am so tired, Im going to bed!' She didnt care ONE bit that she had a friend over....or if she was tired or anything. She put herself to bed..didnt even care that Caroline was in there with her. She was out!
So, Caroline {as I tried to have her lay down to go to sleep} started wanting to go home. So, I ended up driving her home. {To which Lily did not care one bit!} :)
And..these two....'hung' out with each other...and claimed they went to bed at midnight! :)

Then Saturday was another beautiful day! Sydney stayed all day with us as her family came over to watch the AU vs GA game with us after I got home from a Nursing co-worker's funeral. Annette Daughtery will be so missed!
The Messer's {minus Emily since she is sick} joined the football game also. We all rooted on Auburn to which they should have won the game but fell short! BOO!
Today was filled with another beautifully weathered day of Church and gearing up for the week!

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