Friday, November 8, 2019

THIS face!

This face went from this.....

to this tonight!!
So....let me back up and tell you the story!

So....she has been needing to have her two front teeth pulled for weeks now! She just kept saying..'They are not ready yet...' .......sooo...we have just been waiting! they were even starting to turn brown!
She had been Ms. Harper {the ultimate tooth puller} and she hadnt even convinced Lily to let her pull them!
So, last night.....Tyler wiggled them and BOY were they just dangling! So....she let him do ONE!...She said she just couldnt let him do both of them on the same night! ha! So, he pulled one!
Look at the hole! :)
She was SOOOO excited that the Tooth Fairy brought 10 bucks! :) tonight after dinner!..............YEP....that next tooth...GONE! :) She didnt want it to happen....kept saying...'Maybe tomorrow....' but...finally she was brave enough to just let him pull it out! ha! It took all of 2 seconds once she let him actually do it! SO, the Tooth Fairy gets to come AGAIN tonight!....{OH HAPPY day...the Tooth Fairy just LOVES to is SO much FUN!}.....says NO Tooth Fairy EVER! :) :) :)
Now...she is officially singing 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!' ha! {She asked us if that was an actual Christmas I had to play it for her!} :) :)
Then this sweet moment happened! So, she carried her tooth around the rest of the night in her cute little sack with her name on it! Just to make sure her tooth didnt go missing or anything...she kept a tight grip on it!
Well, then she fell asleep against me! She curled right up and the next thing I knew....she was out!
So, I texted Tyler! {YEP...didnt want to say anything and her hear me to wake her up, though he was right over beside us in his chair!} :) Told him to get the money...and go ahead and put it under her pillow! So, he did..then I took her little sack...slowly dumped the tooth out and Daddy carried her into her room and to her bed!
I knew she would do I was ready. As he laid her down, she sat up and said..'I have to check my sack to make sure my tooth is in there!' Well....I took the sack from her and said I would open it and as I did, I showed her it as it was already in my hand! :) :)
She accepted that and there went the sack under her pillow!
Score! :)

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