Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fall Festival!

We had our Fall Festival today and thank goodness it didnt rain!

We are ready to KICK off Halloween week! Whoop whoop!

Decked out and ready for Church this morning!
After lunch we did some treat fun!
Hmmm....not going to lie...not sure on this one! hahaha! Caramel nut grapes! Ughh...why does it have to be so hard when it comes to melting caramel...or chocolate...etc......not my favorite! I'll stick to cooking 'real' food like a lasagna and let other people do treats and pies, etc! :)
Fall Festival time! I didnt want them to wear their actual Halloween costumes so they wouldnt mess them up so this is what they both came up with!
A 'dead fairy' and a pumpkin!!
She did her face all by herself....and then complained about it Oh my goodness she drove me bananas! She did a great job on it and it was super cute. BUT...never again am I going to let her paint her face! :)
She asked me why I put 'pink' on the side of her eyes. OH..this cracked me up! I told her that's how fairies do their make-up!
This crew was with me! They had so much fun and racked up on the candy!
Love all these kiddos!
MC and Lily are the sweetest!
Treat time!
Sporkie!.....or is it Sporky!? ha! Whatever it is...we love the little boy behind the costume! Thompson and Lily!
Lily vs Lily! OH...everyone was laughing soooo hard watching this! Im sure you can guess which Lily won! ha!
THIS was hilarious!
Sooo....Alexis tried her hand at this! THIS cracks me up just thinking about it! She hit it and look at her looking up like it actually went all the way to the top! {See the blue 'dot'.........yeah that is as high as it went!} :)
We had the best time! We came home and geared up for Halloween week!!

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