Monday, October 14, 2019

P-Cola weekend!

We had the BEST weekend!

Just what the doctor ordered!

We loaded up and headed to Pensacola Friday right after the girls were done with school!

The girls are out for 'Fall break' so Tyler and I decided to take off today and make a long weekend out of visiting Brittney, Mitchell and Kennedy!

OH....the beach!

Just what we alllll needed!

Happy birthday to this sweet girl who is smaller than the bag that her gift from us came in! :) She LOVED the water ball that we got her!
Once we were packed and ready...we spent the entire day and night out on the boat and on our own 'private island!' :)
These three had a blast together! Three peas in a pod!
Floating! The weather was a little dreary as we were riding out but it cleared up quickly and was just beautiful the rest of the day! I have always said October is the best Month to go to the beach...and it was so true! The breeze was perfection...and it was a perfect day!
Little met a friend! It crawled and crawled on her! She met a lot more friends too! TONS of hermit crabs! She brought 3 {only because I said just 3, she would have brought like 20 home} 'home'...but they 'died' overnight! {Darn!} :)
We didnt get to stay in the water long, though, because of these fellows! There were TONS of them! Apparently it is migrating season! They were SO big! Good thing they were big so we could see them coming! Tyler and Mitchell were on jellyfish duty picking them up with a shovel and putting them in a hole they made in the sand! It was super neat to watch them all swim!
We grilled lunch right on the beach! It was super fun! The girls ran on the island, we ate, laughed, caught up and just had a great time being together!
THESE two! OH my goodness talk about cuteness! Every.single.thing. Lily did....Kennedy would copy! So, Lily made herself....and Kennedy a chair to sit and enjoy being in the water! It was sooo cute!
They played and played and just had the best time!
Lily did a little snorkeling before deciding she didnt want to swim up on the jellyfish floating by!
So we stayed out until time to head, on the boat, to dinner! We went to Flounders which was fantastic! There was an outdoor playground and our booth just happened to be right beside it so the girls played right there while we talked and finished eating!
This was Tyler's! Yep...HUGE!....and he said delicious! It had shrimp and crab meat on it along with TONS of other goodies! He put a huge dent in it...but couldnt finish it all despite trying! :)
After dinner...we rode the boat back showers and allll crashed! A perfection of a day!
Bright and ready to go Sunday...these two took off for a day of deep sea fishing! They had a great time even though they didnt catch very much! girls had a staycation and hung out at home all day doing things like this!....
And....this....oh MY goodness..these two! They went round and round and round and round...and round....and round....AND round on these things! They laughed every time they would come around to us! They were just 'blurs' the entire time! :) :)
Stopping for a quick chat and them letting me take a picture before starting up again!
The guys got back and we ended up just ordering pizza and watching movies the rest of the night...which was just what we all needed too! So nice and relaxing! We headed to bed and then Brittney and Mitchell were off to work this morning...and we loaded up and headed home! We cant wait for our next trip to see them!
This was the ride home most of the way! We got home and I type this...Lily is with Callie {spending the night} and Alexis is with Carli {spending the night with Sara Kate} to cap off the rest of their Fall break! BOO! I have to go back to work tomorrow! :)

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