Sunday, October 6, 2019


Meanwhile....on Friday night, we had dinner with the Messer's, Ray's and the Soriano's at Baja!

It was a perfect ending to a perfection of a football Friday!

We then ended up with 3 of the mix, listed above, coming home with us to spend the night!

They were all super good and went to bed before at least I got some sleep! :) backtrack....Thursday {while Lily and Callie were at cheer practice} this whole group {and their parents} supported the JSU volleyball team! This was our 1st game to make it to of the season so far so we were excited! The game was on ESPN so we were excited about that too! JSU did outstanding! It was a very exciting game and I love watching volleyball so it was a great night!
Then .....Friday after we finished with dinner....this is what took place the rest of the night! LOOK at those happy faces!
I LOVE this!
They laughed and laughed and I just love these girls and their friendship!
Curling up....and winding down time!
I found this on my phone from these two! Ashley took Sydney's phone before she left the restaurant...and Lex didnt have her these two had to function with 'no technology!' I would say they did great! They played board games...and card games...and BOP IT...jumped on the trampoline...played in the basement....took a bike ride...only to end up SOAKING wet because it started flooding out of nowhere!
This is them when they just got back home from getting drenched! They headed for showers after this to get warm and cozy!

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