Saturday, October 19, 2019

Laid back!

OH...I cant say I was sad when I saw Lily's game was cancelled this morning! Staying in our pjs a little longer was just what we allll needed!

It was so nice to stay curled up!

We have had a very low key day and it has been fabulous!

We headed to Oxford for a quick lunch and to see The Adams Family movie since it is nasty and cold outside!

It wasnt as good as I was hoping it would be but it was cute and the girls had I count that as a win.

We are home now...curled up again...watching football the rest of the night! My kinda day!

Look what Daddy got up and running this morning!?! Yep...this thing is in action now and I know one guy who is super pumped about it!
These two had to test it out ASAP so it was perfect timing as there was a break in the rain! They jumped in for a bit before cleaning up and heading to lunch!
We were supposed to have a fun day with friends at the Pumpkin Patch in Birmingham and dinner with Meg and Mal...but due to the rain...all of that was cancelled so we still wanted to get some 'Halloween' spirit in so this movie it was! The girls loved it. I wasnt a huge fan...but it was a nice little family time anyways!
Rain boots for the win today! Alexis was tooo cool and ignored me as I was trying to get her to come over for this picture. I mean goodness! :)
Bellies full from lunch but of stash is a must when we are at the movies!

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