Sunday, October 20, 2019

A perfect Fall day!

So, was cold and rainy and dreary!

Today...was a little on the cloudy side but it was a perfection of a Fall day!

It was just enough cool mixed with a slight breeze to where I could wear my 'Fall' clothes...and not sweat to death! ha!

We had a full and fun day today mixed with Church, lunch, Thompson's birthday bash followed by an impromptu smores and hot tub night!


I got to work in the baby room this morning...and this little one and I had a full conversation while I was in there! Oh sweet Charlotte is growing up on me!
We had an extra person with us for lunch today! My grandchild! :) She kept staring at me the entire time I ate! :)
Lily had the best time celebrating Thompson today with these sweet friends!
Going for a ride was a hit!
Happy 7th birthday buddy! The Law's love T-Nash!
Then...we came home...relaxed at home and then decided to invite the Messer's over for smores! Perfection!
The best night! The fire was just what we needed!
Chowing down! YUM-O!
Willa Kate was over with Alexis. They had been playing at her house all afternoon and then came over to jump, eat and soak! :) BOO that tomorrow is Monday! It would be nice if the weekend got to continue! :)

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