Friday, October 25, 2019

A BOO kind of Thursday night lights!

It was a grand idea to move the high school football game to Thursday night instead of today!

For today...already it is raining like cats and dogs!

So, last night was perfect Fall weather! I brought jackets and blankets and scarves thinking I was going to freeze to death at the game but, instead, I didnt have to even put my jacket on!

We had an awesome dinner with the Messer's, Soriano's, Fritts and Christopher's at Cooter Browns before the game. So much so that we were late getting to the game but only by a little bit so we werent worried about it!

It was a fun football under the Thursday night lights!

My Thursday lunch looked like this! kicked my booty but in a good way and glad I survived the class!
Then....look at this sunset! This picture has NO filter! Orange and Blue {War Eagle baby!} So beautiful!
This is the only picture I got of any kids and really of the whole game! Lily was not cooperating and Camille has her eyes closed! ha! OH well! At adults were out numbered! There were 11 kids and only 9 of us! Whew! :)
The Eagles won against Hokes Bluff! It was a great game! When we got home, we had been 'BOO' D' too! Lily said that the 'big' one was hers....because she got scared since Mrs. Kristi jumped out at her the other night! ha! Mrs. Kristi, Collins and Jack did us and yes....the big bucket was for her Mrs. Kristi said! :)
My pictures went out of order and would not let me change them out so...this picture was before Lily busted into hers to check out her goodies! They were so excited to see their treats once we got home from the game!

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