Saturday, October 26, 2019

Our weekend so far!

So far...this weekend has been full of pj pants, cozy socks, comfy blankets, Halloween crafting, buffalo chicken dip, movies and football!


so wonderful!

Lily came home from school yesterday SUPER excited that she won the coloring contest at the Community Center! She won a full bag of candy....and insisted she get to eat the entire bag because she won! :)
We watch 2 rounds of the JSU volleyball game before heading home to enjoy the rest of the afternoon at home before bed time! They won one and lost one when we decided to leave. It was a great game...and we always love watching JSU play!
This morning...these two made ghosts!
Super cute! I saw this craft on Pinterest and thought it was so fun so they had fun doing that! I put tea lights as noses...that light up! :)
We cant wait to see them all lit up tonight! They loved doing this!
And now! My current situation....THIS! The girls are watching The Adam's Family {as I type this} and we are gearing UP for the Auburn vs LSU game! Warrrrr Eagle! Here we GO...HERE we GO!

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