Sunday, October 6, 2019

The rest of our Saturday!

So...the fun didnt end after the game!


We headed to Jeffersons for lunch with Sydney still in tow with us, too, and had lunch before heading home and gearing up for the Auburn game against Florida.

The Messer's came over {minus Emily, she had Preview Day} to watch the game and Lily and I ended up riding with them to the JSU game!

Tyler, Sydney and Lex stayed at home and finished watching football and eating pizza, etc while Lily and I enjoyed 5th floor!

Always a good time on 5th!

JSU had a big win even though Auburn didnt pull it out with Florida. BOO!

Lily and I had a great time with this crew....and alllll the others! :)
These three were cracking me up while the band was performing before the game started!
Love this of Lily!
The four amigos! :)
And...then half of Mrs. Nelson's 2nd grade class right here! :) Lily loves being in the same class with these two sweet girls!
Yeah.......the whooole crew!
Great night with sweet friends!
We came home and CRASHED! It has been a busy but awesome weekend during my most favorite time..........FOOTBALL season! :)

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