Saturday, August 29, 2020

A happy Saturday...for a couple of Dewberry's!

 Meg got married today!

SOOOO happy for her!

soooooooooo soooooooo happy! OH happy day!

Due to stupid COVID....Chase and Meg decided to keep their ceremony small with it being just his parents and his sister and then Meg's parents and Mal, Bill, Blake and Margie.

soooo...come April....hopefully their big wedding/reception will get to take place where we alllll  will be along with all their friends! It is going to be at the beach so we are excited about a beach trip too! :)

So today...they kept it simple and had a little outside, garden wedding in their backyard of their new home! I cant wait to go to B'ham and see their new place sometime soon!

Cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Dewberry!

Love this and so happy for her! She is glowing!

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