Sunday, August 16, 2020

Ive got sunshine!

 Today was just what the doctor ordered!

I havent been outside...soakin up the rays in awhile so today was perfection!

Since Alexis' birthday didnt go as planned with a day full of boat riding and tubing, I told the girls that we would have a make-up day before school started. So, today was the perfection of a day to do it...and perfect timing as school starts Tuesday!

Today couldnt have been a better day to be on a boat...soakin up some rays!

Ahhh!! Nice!

The girls had a BLAST! They laughed and sang and checked out some cute boys on some jet skis.....and tried to not get knocked off the tube and swam! 

So fun today!

Since today wasnt Alexis' birthday celebration {though it is a re-do from her birthday} Lily had a friend come! Lily was so excited to have Pearson...and Pearson was soooo excited to be there!

This crew was ready to get in the water!

The Lily pad for the win! Aunt Pam and Richard threw it out and the girls loved flopping and swimming on it.

BOAT time! Our two Captains!

Pearson and Lily had a blast riding together! They thought they were sooooo brave!

They had a blast too!

Tyler accomplished his goal...a couple of times...throwing the girls off!

They were too big for their britches sometimes! :)

They had fun floating too! We grilled out and hung out with Grey too while we were there! We had a fun afternoon! Just what we all needed to gear up for our full week of 'back in action!'

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