Sunday, August 30, 2020

ZOOMM! Her birthday surprise....early!

 This girl...

our youngest....

has been giving us the 'count down' to her birthday for weeks now!

On top of that......been asking us....'what are you getting me for my birthday?' 

All while....not telling us really anything that she wants...saying she doesnt know...and being no help (but annoying) the whole time! :)

we surprised her...

with her birthday gift....

even though it is basically 13 days away!

She was SO surprised!

She had NO idea that we were getting her this and she LOVES it!

This contraption attaches to her hoverboard and it is so awesome! I even love to ride it!

So...happy early..birthday Lily! :)

SURPRISE! Happy birthday sassy thing!

She spun and learned how to work it quickly! A funny moment, though, was when Alexis asked to try it out. (We all know..Alexis is 'finicky' when it comes to things like Lily really wasnt wanting her to ride it! She literally LOST her mind while Alexis would spin or go down the drive way...screaming..youre going to wreck my birthday gift! Get off! Well, Alexis wasnt getting off and it was her turn to ride it so Lily gets mad and starts running down the drive way (mad)..well...Alexis (being a pest) takes off on it down the drive way...after Lily...yelling 'Im going to get you!' All..the while making Lily more mad!) You just had to be there to see if for yourself.....Tyler and I were dying laughing at what was happening...just because of the sheer fact...WHY!??! ha!
She rode and rode! So fun!

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