Friday, August 7, 2020


 Accessorizing....yep....that is what it has come down to these days with our masks!

 Everywhere we will see masks hanging from people's rear view mirror! They will have it hanging on one ear. They will have it pushed under their chin as they are driving. Since we have to wear it in any public will see the people who hate wearing masks. They are the ones that have it on but are constantly pulling at it or pulling it down from their nose. Then you will also see 'those people' :) that are OVER the top! For example, they are not only wearing their mask, they are also wearing their gloves...and some...even with their safety glasses on! YEP, we have it all happening around here! It is truly a sight!

It actually is a 'thing' now.....that it has just become the 'norm' that if someone doesnt have a mask on...or have one attached to them in some shape or form....they are looked at as 'weird' and with the look of  'GET it on!'

Never would have thought....the world would be like it is...

yet here we are!

Lily made a point to tell me...

Momma, dont put make-up on anymore from under your nose....down.

Good point.....good point! it necessary to wear make-up when it is covered up by the mask. When it is rubbed off by the mask...and smeared. And...lipstick. Yeah...that is a thing of the past! No one cares about what lip color to have on anymore!

 AND 'maskacne!'

Yep..that is a thing now too! Go to the dermo for the acne that is caused by wearing your mask! I have it...everyone does. It is a thing now!

Earrings! Yep...forget about it! As soon as I pull my mask off...there goes my earrings flying too. Sooo...yeah...forget about wearing them now!


 ya know... is the world we are in!

 I do wonder about the day that we wont wear mask anymore. I truly think it will be reallllly odd to not have it on anymore!

I know my friends and I have talked about having a burning party to burn alll the masks once it is ever over with. BUT...the question is....when will that be though?!?! Whoooo knows! Never would have thought it would be August...going into Fall...and still having to deal with a stupid virus that started in MARCH!



So, for is allll about...what color your masks are. What style. How comfortable are on and so on...

it is tiring....


ya know...

the world we are in...that is our focus right now!

So...what kind of mask do you have?!!

Do you have a fun and comfortable one {like Lily} 

Forget your 'favorite' one, your  'go to' 'must have one' and have to wear a cheap one...that sometimes breaks as soon as you slightly pull on it {like Alexis} 

or a comfortable one that 'goes with everything' {like ME}:) :)

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