Friday, August 28, 2020

Our 2nd week!

 We have made it through the 2nd week of our crazy new life we are living these days!

And...found out...



we get to continue it for another 2 weeks!

I just have no words. I just dont. I have soooo many emotions about all of this..... that are mixed and all over the am just going to sit on them! :)


just a couple of pictures of our action this week!

I only snagged one picture of Lily {from her only 2 days of 'in person school'} and none of Alexis. So there is that!

But, it has been a good week and we are just trucking along!


Monday came and went fast! She was ready to go to school and is loving how she is picking out her own outfits without any assistance from me! :) 

This girl also lost another tooth this week! She was pumped to have that one out as it.......stuck out. bahaha! It was funny looking because it did stick out {because her front teeth made it do that} she doesnt have a 'stuck out' tooth! ha! She has officially lost EIGHT teeth now! Whoop whoop! I...I mean...the Tooth Fairy has made it past the EVIL number 7! :) :)

 Alexis had a fun event at cheer this week! She has been ready for 2 weeks to meet her 'Big!' Thursday was the night!

 Her Big Sister! Kelsey Comisac is her Varsity Big Sister! She is the sweetest and I am SO happy she is Alexis'. She is such a great example that I want Alexis to follow! She lives a couple of streets over from us so we are just super thrilled!

 The 'Bigs' and the 'Littles' had matching socks. They were separated and then met in the gym to see who had the same matching socks to show who had who! Alexis got the cutest basket full of alllll her favorites in it from Kelsey too! 

SUCH a fun practice! I wish we would have done something like this when I cheered!


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