Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Pandemic style school beginnings!

 The girls survived their 1st day back to school....since the beginning of March!

CRAZY to believe they have been out of school for as long as they have!

Getting up early this morning...actually wasnt a struggle just because they both were so excited! Now...let's see how it continues!

Sad to say...they only go one day this week. Two days next week!

BIG prayers....September they are back FULL time! Pray big people....please! :)

These two! They are soooo ready to get back to school! They really do love school...and not just because they get to see their friends. I so hope that they can get back to 'normal' with it!

This picture cracks me up!

Pandemic style...ready!

Two beautiful girls....even behind a mask!

Ready for school! Prayers for a great year!

My 7th grader! WOW! She is SO excited to be at the high school! So excited to be 'grown!'

My 3rd grader! She is SO excited to be in Mrs. Real's class! She is sooooo excited to have Riley, Caroline and Ella!

Tooooo cool for school!

She was so excited to give her teacher her 'back to school' gift! She came home soooo excited that Mrs. Real wore the mask she gave her allll day! :)

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