Sunday, August 30, 2020

Our weekend recap!

 We made it to the weekend! I live for Fridays....these days! ha!

The weekend goes by tooooo fast which really stinks but we sure do make the most of it each week! ha!

Saturday turned into a beautiful day, though, we thought it was going to be rainy weather. So, we took advantage of it by having a fun family bike ride to have a picnic before riding back home!

OH...I love our bike rides! Riding the trail with my little family is just one of my most favorite things to do!

After we got home, Daddy went to play golf with Pawpaw so us girls took off to do a little shopping in Piedmont and stopping at Dugger Mountain for 'fun treats!' Fudge, a mango/pineapple popsicle and a strawberry smoothie hit the spot! :) 

And today...we kept it low key with Church, lunch and then the rest of the afternoon Lily was over at Camille and Madelyn's. Alexis took a nap and Tyler and I did school work! Fun times! :)

 Perfect spot to have our lunch...if I dont say so myself!

Three things in this picture! 1. Lily and Turtle lake....2 of my favs! 2. See the turtles behind Lily in the water!...LOVE! :) 3. Kudzu. I had NO idea how it smelled soooooo amazing! Like the best smell I have smelled {besides honeysuckles or gardenia}. The smell was just awesome! AND...the beautiful flower on it too! Like...what! I know everyone hates takes over everything...but there is always beauty among just have to look!

Dugger Mountain for the win! We love popping there and enjoying a fun treat! It makes us happy!
This girl....thumbs up!

Us Church girls ready to go! Happy Sunday!

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