Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Back in the groove for me!


 I am tired.

It is just Tuesday!

It feels like it should be Friday....of next week! ha!

So far so good, though, as we are rocking and rolling with the students!

Though their classes are going to be virtual............we still are seeing them alllll....alllll 420 of them!

Yeah..Im tired! :)

To kick off the season...we had Faculty/Staff Convocation/Kick off! Love my work crew...and Cocky! Here's to a great semester! 

 Allll...of us....social distancing...wearing a mask outside...in the heat/sun, but ya know, the times we are in.....

 THIS...Day 1....

 THIS....day 2....

yeah....so.many.students. They all know me...............I pretend I know them! I am horrible with names and I hate that..............because they think I know their names...and I fake it....as best I can! :)


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