Saturday, August 15, 2020

Meeting Reese!

 I have been dying to get my hands on Caroline Reese Nabors since July 14, 2020...the day she was born!

She was a 7 lbs 9oz beautiful ball of love that all of us were soooo excited to meet!

Well...ya know...the COVID thing that is going on?!!?....well, due to that, we have stayed away from sweet Reese until today!

I just couldnt take it anymore!

I didnt want her to be 5 before I had a chance to meet her!

So today we headed to Birmingham and my day was made to see her!

Now, I was sad because I didnt get to hold her...and we didnt even go in...and it was sooo hot outside...but...I got to see her and watch her cute little self {that looks just like her Daddy!} :) sleep!

So sweet!

One day....hopefully sooner rather than later, I will get to hold her but for today, we got to meet her and that is okay!

Sweet Reese! I cant wait to watch her have her spend the night with spoil make fun memories with her!..........alllll of it!

Look!!! Ahh!!

Sweet and adorable little family! So happy for them!

Oh so sweet!

BAD picture! Im sad it is because I thought it would be as we took it! ha! The sun was bright....and so ya know... doesnt matter! What is in the picture is what counts and it is proof we finally got to meet sweet Reese! LOVE! The BEST afternoon!

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