Sunday, August 9, 2020

Her 7th tooth and a much needed night!


the Tooth Fairy didnt make it past Alexis' 7th tooth.

 Her 7th tooth was a disaster! I wont go into the story {again} but go back to the year and post and you can catch up if you dont know. It's too hard to talk about again! ha! :)

 So, Friday night Lily told Tyler that he realllly needed to pull her 7th tooth! I immediately got a lump in my throat!

 Trust...I was bound and determined not to 'mess up' this time!

 So...I put my brain into action :)

Sooo...while she was getting ready to go to sleep. I went ahead and took the tooth out of the 'tooth bag' and kept it in my hand {in case she came running to me that it wasnt in there. I could get the bag and say...yes it must have not looked well enough! {SMART..very SMART!} :)}

Then...I went ahead and put her money under her pillow...{last tooth, I put it under the pillow she doesnt sleep on. When she questioned why the Tooth Fairy put her money under that pillow then} but I put it in her pillowcase, under her pillow {thinking that she wouldnt feel it or see if if she looked 'early'}

So...I was feeling good about myself!

She said goodnight...

and ...

 about 15 minutes later...

she comes RUNNING in our room...

That lump came back...

She goes...

'HOW did the Tooth Fairy COME ALREADY!?!?!'

'I closed my eyes for 5 minutes and she came ALREADY!'

{I about died!} bahahaha!

She goes....'its really weird, she put my money in my pillowcase. Thats odd, right!?!' ha! and then she said... 'I wasnt even really asleep, either. She must have thought I was because I did close my eyes! She must have been in a hurry to go to someone else's house because she came sooo quick when I JUST closed my eyes!' 

{I about died again!} :) OH...I cant make this stuff up! So funny!

SO....I have made it past her 7th tooth. Let's see how the rest goes! ha!

Look at that smile! She has her 4 front teeth...and then nothing around them {except one that is sticking out and needs to be pulled. She just wont let anyone pull that one....yet..} :)

  Then...last night...we had a much needed night that we havent had in awhile! We had an outdoor Taco Fiesta! 

We grilled out fish and shrimp tacos and had allll the fixings! We enjoyed being outside with the Messer's and the Ray's and just caught up on life. We havent had all of them over since March so it was good for the soul!

I cant believe I didnt take any pictures! My time management skills were a little off and toooo busy having fun. I havent hosted in awhile so I struggled to get everything out and ready than normal! Now..dont underestimate me!...ha! was set and ready when they arrived but I was sweating! ha! The food was oohhh sooo delicious and we had a TON! {Hence alll the leftovers in the fridge!} ha! So, I didnt get a picture of it all out and decorated but I took a shot of my fridge! ha!

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