Thursday, August 13, 2020

She is ready!

 This girl...

has gone to the mailbox {what seems like} 10 billion times....since Saturday! 

FINALLY today it came!

What she has been waiting on since Summer...

her teacher information for 3rd grade!

She is super pumped to have Mrs. Real!

And...she has several friends in her class, too, so she says she is soooooo ready for school to start!

I pray that we only have to do 2 weeks of the blended learning and they go back the full week in September.

My girls love for them...and me..I pray that they get to have a normal school year despite how the world is right now.

We shall see!

Alexis got her school schedule today...full of high school Math, advisement, Literature...ya know..'big' classes! She is pumped about starting 7th...just not pumped enough to let me take her picture of her holding her schedule! :)

She says..bring on 3rd grade! She is READY!

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