Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas day night!


Christmas 2022 has come to an end!

We wrapped up Christmas with Christmas at Nannie's!

We ate and enjoyed Dirty Santa and then rounds and rounds of BINGO!

Lily and Aunt Pam were the biggest winners of the night!

Time to eat!

Ready for gifts and then Dirty Santa! I didnt realize I cut out Tyler in this one!

There he is...kind of! ha!

Now...on to cleaning up Christmas and gearing up for the new year next!

We had a wonderful Christmas as it is always my favorite!

Christmas day!

 It wont happen again for what another 11 years from what I can count. A Sunday to celebrate Church and the birth of Jesus!

I mean...that will make Alexis...


Soak that in.


We soaked up the beautiful crisp cold day with Church at Nan and Pawpaw's before heading to have lunch and Christmas at their house.

Since we went to Nan and Pawpaw's Church...we got to see the Ray's! Cassell and Calhoun sang a song on stage so we had to go down to see them to tell them they did a great job!......and ask what Santa brought them! :)

Christmas day family picture!

With Pawpaw!

Girl's pic!

Ready to dive into gifts! Lily couldnt wait!

Game time! Pawpaw always comes up with some fun games!
Wheel of  'Miss' fortune was the name of the game!

Explaining how it goes! BOY was it a struggle for Alexis and Lily to figure out a letter to choose! bahaha! OH me! They finally started to figure out the gist of the game................towards the end! 
The girls had to spin just like Wheel of Fortune!

The Law's!
We enjoyed our time before heading home to gear up for round 2 at Nannies!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Always love our annual Christmas Eve picture!

Always a favorite!

Always love to include our fur babies too!

Love looking back at these pictures each year and seeing how we have changed and the girls have grown!

Soccer and Aubie...well, they never really cooperate! 

She is grown. That is all.

My sweet girl! We were the ones sitting and snapping pictures waiting on the other....who is never ready! :)

Christmas Eve!

 We had a wonderful Christmas Eve especially since we started it off with our Christmas and a nice Christmas breakfast!

We spent the rest of the day with the girls sorting and straightening up their Christmas goodies and getting ready for the Christmas Eve service and then Christmas at Gran's.

Pam, Richard and Nannie met us and then we also met the Messers and the Bentley's at the Church of Highlands Christmas Eve service and it was so nice! We enjoyed the service and then headed to Gran's for dinner and Christmas fun!

Ready for Church!

At Gran's and Lily doing her favorite thing! Passing out the gifts! That is her number one and favorite job to do of all!

Lining them up before giving them out. She has a system. Dont forget it!


Then picture time. My girls changed into comfies a little too soon. 

Another shot! Feels a little odd that I am now home and dont have to worry with getting up super early and stressing over getting Christmas laid out! We had a great day and enjoyed doing it today! Ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus and more Christmas fun tomorrow!


 So...we did it a little differently this year!

Our Christmas came on Christmas Eve morning since tomorrow is such a big day and we actually get to celebrate Christmas at Church celebrating Jesus and the reason we are celebrating!

So...Santa came a day early and the girls were excited to go ahead and do our Christmas since tomorrow is special and us being rushed for heading to Church.

Our 2nd Christmas of the girl's knowing we are Santa and just like last year, it has worked out perfectly!

Love my little family!

Lily and Soccer!

Christmas goodies ready!

Coming to check it out! She was SO excited! She was hanging out in her room while we were getting everything ready and just kept asking...'can I come out  now, can I?' :)

Lex actually woke up early too! Christmas miracle! :)

Lily's side!

Lex's side!

Opening their gifts from each other. They both said they had a great Christmas and loved all their surprises! It was a great morning! We cooked breakfast together, cleaned up and then gearing up for Christmas Eve fun!

For a look back in time...year 2022!

 A lot of great memories are stored from 2022! The world with COVID has gotten better. We all have learned it is something that will always be there and that we have to tolerate it and we are bound to get it so we just have to take care of ourselves and live our lives to the fullest without fear! I love looking back at each year and the highlights of each! 

This year marked the first end of the year and Christmas without our Tickles. I miss her. She was such a great cat that was just so unique and special! Like I have said, we dont even know how she came to us and how she did still amazes her leaving us had to be the same.  

Lily has had years of many firsts and Alexis too! This year seems Tyler and I had a lot of first together which makes me smile because our girls are growing up and to know that Tyler and I have hobbies and experiences together are special! We have had a wonderful year 2022 and look forward to what the next year's hold!

Let's look back!


We took our 1st cruise as a family! I am sad that this was our first because Tyler and I cruised all the time before kids. I hate they are this old and we are just going with the girls but we had SO MUCH fun ringing in the new year from the Bahamas! 

We had the best weather and the best trip!


Lily had her very first piano lesson! She was SO good at learning so quick and loves playing the piano. I love hearing her play. Though she had to end with her teacher, and we are still trying to find a new and fit it in, her love and talent for it is still there!

Meet Miss 2nd alternate JHS!


Alexis Elite night. So beautiful!

She made VARSITY cheer! As a Freshman, it was a HUGE moment!

Lily and allll her sparkle at her Daddy/Daughter dance!


Tyler and I, both, turned the BIG 4-0!

Tyler and I did an unbelievable thing! We went skydiving! AMAZING I tell ya! Never would have thought I would ever actually do this! What a memory for him and I! He surprised me and we had a wonderful day together!

Lily kicked off her favorite thing in the world!

Tyler and I got fancy at the Maskers Ball for the first time!


Alexis was inducted into the National Junior High Honor Society for the 1st time!

Celebrated Mother's day with my little family!

BIG moment! Alexis sang her first solo! During the school Choir concert and she sounded beautiful! Loved hearing her!

We jetted off! Vegas to celebrate us all turning 40! Such a great trip and a big highlight...the Grand Canyon!


1st time of the year....doing one of favorite things! Sadly it was the only time we could fit it in too. Boo, but loved doing it when we did!

Alexis' first Freshman.....Varsity....cheer camp! Great Wolf lodge! She had a blast!
Lily's very first overnight camp! She had a blast at the 4H camp!
She loved every minute of camp!
BIG moment! Lily drove her go-cart for the first time by herself! I still remember my 1st time by myself! I thought I was SO big! She was so proud and happy!
Always love the beach!


This girl turned 14!.......and at no better place than at the beach with Britt and her family. Alexis loves to be down there with them! and we had so much fun celebrating the 4th of July with them too!

Tyler and I did this for the first time in TN! much fun!


This girl started her Varsity football season!

We started a new and fun hobby together....and got pretty good with it and now we are obsessed! 2nd place in our 1st tournament too!


1st time to Auburn for the year...and the only! BOO! We havent had another chance and not able to for basketball season but we soaked up allllll the fun we could and enjoyed the football game and all the rest of the fun we could do!

Our most favorite place of all!
This girl turned 11! She enjoys that we make it to Auburn around her birthday like Alexis loves that we hit the beach for hers!
Alexis' first dance with a date! Cash...well...he is a mess. Transferred schools so she did have to ask him but they went as friends and had a great night during Homecoming!


Lily had her first 'BIG' dance! 80's style! These girls were loving it!

Halloween is always a favorite! A zombie soccer player and Cinderella!


Alexis and her cheer team qualified during Regionals to make it to State for the 1st time AND they are going to Nationals in February for the 1st time too! Cant wait!

 First time going to Pensacola for Thanksgiving and it was a hit! We also hosted Tyler's family at our home too and it was nice having Thanksgiving at home too!


ALWAYS love the kick off of Christmas with my annual Christmas party followed by the girl's parties and all the fun of December! 

Alexis had a big night with her first DD formal as a Ribbon Girl with Bryce as her date and all of her friends!

Lily did great at the Christmas program at Church!

Tyler and I had another 1st time experience! We went skiing for the 1st time together and it was amazing! The best time!