Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve!

 We had a wonderful Christmas Eve especially since we started it off with our Christmas and a nice Christmas breakfast!

We spent the rest of the day with the girls sorting and straightening up their Christmas goodies and getting ready for the Christmas Eve service and then Christmas at Gran's.

Pam, Richard and Nannie met us and then we also met the Messers and the Bentley's at the Church of Highlands Christmas Eve service and it was so nice! We enjoyed the service and then headed to Gran's for dinner and Christmas fun!

Ready for Church!

At Gran's and Lily doing her favorite thing! Passing out the gifts! That is her number one and favorite job to do of all!

Lining them up before giving them out. She has a system. Dont forget it!


Then picture time. My girls changed into comfies a little too soon. 

Another shot! Feels a little odd that I am now home and dont have to worry with getting up super early and stressing over getting Christmas laid out! We had a great day and enjoyed doing it today! Ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus and more Christmas fun tomorrow!

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