Saturday, December 24, 2022


 So...we did it a little differently this year!

Our Christmas came on Christmas Eve morning since tomorrow is such a big day and we actually get to celebrate Christmas at Church celebrating Jesus and the reason we are celebrating!

So...Santa came a day early and the girls were excited to go ahead and do our Christmas since tomorrow is special and us being rushed for heading to Church.

Our 2nd Christmas of the girl's knowing we are Santa and just like last year, it has worked out perfectly!

Love my little family!

Lily and Soccer!

Christmas goodies ready!

Coming to check it out! She was SO excited! She was hanging out in her room while we were getting everything ready and just kept asking...'can I come out  now, can I?' :)

Lex actually woke up early too! Christmas miracle! :)

Lily's side!

Lex's side!

Opening their gifts from each other. They both said they had a great Christmas and loved all their surprises! It was a great morning! We cooked breakfast together, cleaned up and then gearing up for Christmas Eve fun!

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