Sunday, December 18, 2022

Lily and her first Church performance!

 Lily was in the Church Christmas program this morning and through both services, she did great!

The second service she got the 'jitters' out and was spot on! Loved watching her!

Love her!

Waiting to begin!

Doing a great job!

They did so good with this part! Lily is the shadow to the right!
So good!

Not sure about this! I didnt know that my mac n cheese and mashed potatoes are 'different' during Christmas! All the kids walked up with what they think is the best about Christmas besides the birth of Jesus. This is a bad picture because it happened so fast I didnt snap in time, but you can read the sign! Lily said it was supposed to be 'Christmas food with my family and my favorite is mac n cheese and mashed potatoes!' ha!

My shadow angel!

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