Monday, December 19, 2022

Our last work day before Christmas break!

 Tyler and I had the pleasure of the President's lunch today to mark the last day we are working before Christmas break since we are leaving tomorrow!

Tyler got called up for a game!

You would think by the pictures............that he won an awesome gift card...........


he did win but failed to listen to all the rules so he didnt. No gift card! But....everyone had a great laugh and had fun watching him think he won! haha!

Too funny! The entire JSU Staff! ha! :)

He started off STRONG!

I mean....going tough!

Blowing her out of the water!


NOT....he had to finish...meaning take it all back down into one stack. Yeah...she did that faster than him because he was toooooo busy celebrating that he won! bahahaha!

Love my co-workers! Great way to lead into the break!

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