Saturday, December 3, 2022

Lily's Dirty Santa!

 Lily's turn!

Whew...the level of loudness and energy her friends have...

just a whole different level! ha!

Carrie hosted, I helped................and I got to leave! :) 


We had a great time and the girls had a blast and made fun memories together! It was a win!

Now....if they will ever grasp how to play....and love their gift and not beg others to take their gift because they dont want it and because they want someone else's................will probably never happen! :)

I snapped a picture because it was such a hit! Grinch punch I made! Every one of them kept coming back asking for another cup! Green Hawaiian drink, lime sherbet, pineapple juice and sprite. A hit! And they all asked me to make it again next year and then also the ones that come for Halloween said it can be 'scary' for Halloween!

Entertainment while everyone was arriving! Oh gracious the singing and dancing!

I actually snagged a picture!
Time to EAT!

Then....cookie decorating time but up first they made the neatest ornaments! 
I have never seen it before but I am just amazed! You decorate a white plastic cup on the bottom and on the sides however you like. Then put the oven on 450 and put the cups in a line on a sheet tray with aluminum foil..............and just WATCH them melt down. You let them cool, put a hole with a hole puncher on it....and BAM an ornament! The coolest thing!!

One of Lily's favorite things to do is decorate cookies!

Dirty Santa time! So fun!.................and did I mention how loud they are?! :) :) :)

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