Tuesday, December 6, 2022

State Cheer!


it made for a looonnnggg day...

and the rain...


the girls were determined to do State!

They placed 15 out of 26 so they were a little disappointed but they know what they need to change with the routine to make things better based off the feedback so they are ready to hit the ground and get ready for Nationals in February!

They had a great day together even with all the things....such as the bus driver getting lost and them being late to register....... but.....memories and fun are what counts!

Ready to go! I think their favorite part is getting out of school....having a fun lunch together and doing some shopping before the perform! :) {It would be mine!} :)

Look over there! The football team came! They surprised the girls! Only bad thing was...they got there before the girls and then left right after they performed so the boys didnt get to stay long or see the girls or hear the awards {because it was 3 hours later} so the girls really didnt even know they were there. BUT...........they were and it was nice of them to surprise them!

Alllll the teams! 26 teams is 4A category. It was a lot!

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