Thursday, December 1, 2022

It is December!

 I slacked in November with low posts. I think that month was the lowest number I have ever posted. There were some events that I didnt get around to posting about but we were busy, November was good to us and it was full of basketball, Thanksgiving and the every day groove!


today is December!

I love December!

Now, remember, I dont like the cold but I just love the 'cozy' of December. The excitement of Christmas, the lights, the warmth of my blanket watching a Christmas movie with Lily sitting in my chair with me which means she is basically on top of me because she is getting too big for both of us to be in the same chair (makes me sad) while the tree is lit!

All the fun things in December that is coming up!

I just love it all!

Today marked Lily's first dress up days for school! She has the '12 days of Christmas' list of all the dress up fun. Today she dressed as Rudolph! :)


Ella Jingle still made her grand entrance!

This second year.... I dont have to WORRY with moving her or doing it! I loved those days of seeing Lily and Alexis racing around the house to try and find her to see what trick she had pulled or where she was hanging, etc. They really loved Ella Jingle and allllll the crazy things she has done over the years.

There are so many fun memories of that season of life!

Now, well, Lily will have fun sitting her around and doing crazy things with her if she wants to. I am no longer in charge. :)

Ella Jingle always brings her friends with her on December 1st!..............and a little 'happy' for the girls too. Talk about EXCITED to get a Starbucks gift card. {I just dont know what the 'thrill' is about there but both girls love that place} :)

And meet Lily the reindeer! :)

Happy December 1st!

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