Sunday, December 18, 2022

DD Ribbon Girl!

 Last night marked Alexis' first DD formal as a Ribbon Girl!

It was an alllll day process but it was fun for the girls and they all looked stunning!

Bryce was the best escort date! So handsome and such a gentleman!

Memories made for sure!

We went and picked him up. Snapped a picture real quick before leaving his home!

Just beautiful! Alexis had the prettiest corsage by FAR thanks to Bryce and his sweet Mom!

A beautiful space for pictures!

I think they make a cute couple...if you ask me! No one asks me though but still! :)


They always want to do this type pose! :)



Love this one!

A beauty and a beau!

Love the water in the background!

The whole gang!

The Jacksonville Ribbon Girls!

The neighborhood friends! Been friends for years!

My girl and me!

We had a ton of food for them! They enjoyed it!

Ready to take the stage!

Introducing Alexis Kayte Law and Bryce Allen!

They did great on stage!

 Look how cute!

Great picture!

 All the newly selected Ribbon Girls. Excited for Alexis to get to know this group and make life long friends!

Our Ribbon Girl!

Look at them!

Got a picture with one of my favorites! Love this Lily!

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