Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Ella Jingle, Soccer........and Lily!

 Two things Lily loves........


and Ella Jingle!

Well, ya know...last Christmas was the first Christmas that the girls discovered Santa wasnt the real deal.

All of us were in a state of sadness, with questions and all came to realize that we can still love Christmas even with them knowing that Daddy and I are Santa! :)

So............fast forward to this Christmas.............

and someone who comes over to our house every morning...........

still believes......

and the first thing she does is walk around trying to find Ella Jingle and see what she has done or where she has moved!


Lily is busy every morning!

Before Callie gets to our house..........Lily is busy doing something silly for Ella Jingle!

It is the sweetest and to hear Callie {like this morning} say 'Ella Jingle's hair bow doesnt match that dress she has on!' cracks me up but brings sweet memories on how Lily and Alexis used to act the same!

This is what Lily did for Ella Jingle this morning! I thought it was cute! I have to agree with Callie, the bow does not match the dress! {Lily told me that was all she could find and thought it was silly so she went with it!} :) haha!

Today was dress like St. Nick! They mastered this!

And Soccer! Lily is his favorite HANDS down! She put sunglasses on him the other night and it was just hilarious! He didnt try and take them off.........mainly because Lily was the one that did it to him! :)

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