Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Christmas-This or That!


Naughty or Nice? Nice of course!

Elf or Home Alone? OH, this is HARD! Those are both my favorite and I am not sure I can pick. Home Alone reminds me of mine and Alexis’ NYC trip with everyone that was the best time. The girls and I can quote the whole movie and love watching it a ton of times over Christmas. Elf, well we have already watched it three times and it is only Dec 7th! So, I love both! 😊

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? This is hard too! I will have to say Christmas Eve because of how the girl’s always used to love the excitement of knowing Christmas was coming. Christmas Day because of the meaning and fun too!

Cookies for Santa or Carrots for the Reindeer? We leave cookies out for Santa, but nothing out for Rudolph.

Gift giving or gift receiving? I love giving and watching everyone open what they love or something special from me!

Wear an Ugly Sweater or a Santa Hat? I think most ugly Christmas sweaters are so ugly they’re cute so give me the sweater!

White Lights or Multi-Colored Lights? There is nothing like the warmth that I love from some white lights! Those multi though, those are fun too and Lily has developed a love for them so much so that her tree has them and she requested our hall tree to have them too!

Glove or Mittens? I don’t like wearing either. My hands get hot really fast but to choose, mittens.

Christmas or New Year? Christmas! We have lots of traditions we’ve created around Christmas Eve/Christmas Day but New Year’s Day is a bit different as we try to do a fun trip or something but allll the Christmas fun is best!

Stocking or Santa Hat? Stocking because I never look good in a hat!

Mariah Carey or Michael Buble? Considering I have Michael’s Christmas CD on repeat in my car….him…all day! When I think of Christmas, I think of him singing it! Ha!

Travel or Stay Home? I love to travel…and to stay home but if I had to pick, traveling and making memories!

Ribbons or Bells? I tend to use ribbons before I decorate with bells.

Real Tree or Fake Tree? Fake. A good fake tree last longer and is easier to take care of!

Sugar cookies or Gingerbread? For Christmas time, I love gingerbread!

Gift Bags or Wrapping Paper? I’m gift bags every other day of the year but I feel like Christmas presents must be wrapped but I am NOT good at wrapping at ALL so I toss it up and use both! Ha!

Presents on Christmas Eve Night or Christmas Day Morning? Well, this is tricky. For my little family we normally do it on Christmas Eve day because we have family stuff on Christmas Eve and actual Christmas day but since ‘Santa’ is now ‘known’ we may be switching and doing ours Christmas day before we go and do the Law family later in the day.

Secret Santa or White Elephant? I call White Elephant Dirty Santa and give me that all day!

Sleep In or Up Early? Usually the girls are up WAY early for Christmas and you all know who I am married to so, yeah, there is no sleep in!

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