Saturday, December 3, 2022

Jingle 5K! All in one day!


What allllll can I fit in one day you say!?!?!

So, after having my Christmas party last night.....staying up late with cleaning, etc, with that...

I got roped in to running a 5K bright and early the next day!

I didnt want to do it AT ALL..............but I am SO glad I did!

It was worth it and proud of myself and this one was a memory maker for SURE!

Thought it was going to rain. Told it wasnt going to rain...


it rained!

Emily and I decided to detour the route and ran the first two miles in the rain and the last mile inside the REC center on the indoor track because it was raining so hard. Kudos to the ones that ran the entire thing outside!

I am exhausted!

So...came a shower....warmed up.....

geared up/blew up balloons for Lex's Christmas lunch.....

came home from that....cleaned up.....and now getting ready for Lily's Christmas party!


I hope I sleep good tonight because I am tired but ALL great things!

Who looks like they just rolled out of bed......................


that would be me.....

because I did and boy was I dragging! ha!

I am back there somewhere! Promise!

And......who looks like a drowned rat.....


that would be me also!

If it wasnt for Emily.....her and I kept each other going......not sure I would have made it! We make a great running team together!

Cocky looks fabulous as always! :)

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