Tuesday, January 21, 2014

20 questions!.....

I thought it would be fun to ask some questions for future's sake!! I love the answers! :)
Here is Alexis...and what she thinks...at 5 years old! :)

1.  Favorite Color: Pink

2.  Favorite Toy: Her ballerina Bear

3. Favorite TV Show: Sophia

4. Favorite Movie: Rapunzel

5.  Favorite Disney Princess: Cinderella

 6.   Favorite Food:  hotdogs

7.   Favorite Animal:  ponies

8.  Favorite Song:  Katy Perry {she said this quickly! } :)

9.  Best Friends:  Carli, Madison, Avi, Sara Kate

10.  Favorite Drink: Lemonade

 11.  Favorite thing to play outside: Jump on the trampoline

12.  Favorite thing to wear: Her 'high heal' shoes...and then she said pretty dresses :)

13. Favorite Breakfast:  Daddy's pancakes

14. Favorite thing to draw: Hearts, rainbows and sunshines

15.   Favorite thing about school: Reading with Mrs. Pollard {this one made me smile!} :)

 16.  Favorite thing about Lily:   'That she watches movies with me'

17.  Favorite thing about Daddy:   That he does 'silly' stuff :)  ummm...okay! :)

18 .  Favorite thing about Mommy:  Me giving her hugs! {this made me smile too!}

19.  Favorite Dessert:  Daddy's hamburgers :) ....um....okay, I guess you can see we dont eat a whole lot of sweets around here! :)

20.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  A rockstar...then she said a Princess...and then she said ' A person who cleans teeth'...yeah, a Dentist! :)

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