Friday, January 3, 2014

The first week of January!

Ohhh...yes, Christmas break is over! BOO!! :) It has been rough...and tough getting back in the groove these last two days of being back to work! Today was the first day that the girls had to get up and get going for school {Alexis went to Lily's school because Kittystone hasnt started back yet} and they did not want to help me out any this morning with doing what they were suppose to do!! {as far as waking up when they were suppose to, they took forever to eat breakfast, etc!} Alexis told me this morning that she just couldnt do anything because she was so tired! :) it starts!!! Ambereveryday2014!!!

Day 1 of 2014!!
Enjoyed New Year's day curled up watching my all time favorite game show....Price is Right!! I have loved this game show since as far back as I can remember as a child!! I love that Alexis was curled up with me loving it too!!! {And ......we had a double showcase winner!! Doesnt get any better than that!!!} :)

Day 2 of 2014!!
Back at it from a great Christmas break!!! OOHHH, it hurt that morning to get out of my bed to head to work! :)

Day 3 of 2014!!
These two girls are pooped!! It was their first day today of having to be back on a schedule from Christmas break and it wore them out! :)

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