Saturday, January 11, 2014

Too good!

Today was too good of a day to sit inside! This week we have pretty much been hermits because it has been record lows and just miserable all week! We have been in our house trying to stay warm! But nothing like good ole' Alabama weather.... it goes from 7 thunder 65 degrees in the SAME week! {I about insane!}

I headed out today to get my haircut and it was such a beautiful day! My car read 67 degrees! It was bright and sunny with blue skies!! I had my sunroof back and the music up today on my ride to the salon!! And...ahhhh...nothing like having your hair done...and getting a head massage while getting a shampoo! ooohhh la la!! :)

When I got home Lily was up from her nap so I told the girls and Tyler to load up and we headed out! As we were backing out of our driveway...Tyler looked at me and asked "So...what are we doing and where are we going?!" I didnt have a clue..and didnt care!! We just needed to enjoy the beautiful day!!

So, since we have been couped up in the house all week because of the weather, we headed to the park to let the girls exert some energy! They had SO much fun!! We ended up running some errands and Alexis announces that she wants to go to her favorite place to eat and "Eat behind the curtains Mommy and Daddy!" :) So...we headed to House of Chen and enjoyed some yummy Chinese!! We all wolfed down our food!!

We had a GREAT day!

When I walked through the door from getting my hair done...I looked over at the refrigerator and found this!! I walked over and saw that Alexis had written her letters and her numbers! She did SO good! She was so neat! And...she even gave herself smiley faces!!!! OH ME! :)

I asked Tyler if he had seen this....and he said that Alexis had asked him to help her with the tape...but that he hadnt been in the kitchen to see what she had done! :)
We loaded up and headed out! We didnt care where we were going!!!!
Lily had fun going down all the slides!! She is not scared of anything!!

2 little Monkeys!!!...............

And..... we ended up at the 'place to eat with the curtains!' :)

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