Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Day 2...after the storm! There are still friends and family that are stranded where they work, or like my friend Jennifer, she is stranded in a hotel room with 8 of her students because they could not make it to their homes after Clinicals. Or like La La spending the night at her school with her 3rd graders!! Im sure that was an experience!! I am sooo thankful that I do not work in Birmingham anymore because I have seen where my past co~workers were stranded at work and they wouldnt let them leave due to how bad everything was. So, I am grateful I didnt have to spend the night at work! It has been great to see how much people are helping each other as they try to find help, or get their car unstuck, etc. Brandon spent all afternoon and night helping cars and directing traffic. Tyler headed out at 5:30 this morning to start helping get things better around town. He will probably be gone the rest of the day! When I spoke with him he said the roads were still horrible and that he was very busy! BUT, today is sunny....and beautiful and soon it will be back to normal! And guess what!! week it is supposed to be in the mid 60s! {CRAZY!}

We started getting cabin fever in the house so I decided to bundle up the girls and let them play in the snow! They had SOO much fun! Alexis said "This is just like the movie Frozen Mommy, where the 'Princess' makes everything snow and ice!" {She is almost right!} :)

Alexis just played and played! She said the snow had sooo many sparkles in it! And it actually did! It sparkled so pretty with the Sun hitting it!! Lily was some what unsure of the snow! She basically just stood in one spot...and then just followed Alexis around! :)

Bundled up and ready to go!! Yes, they had on 3..yep 3...layers of clothes! :)
 Lily's first SNOW!! 2 years old for her first snow! :)
The girls loved the snow!

Making a 'snow heart'

We stayed warm and watched Mickey Mouse A LOT! :)
We danced!!
And...the girls played 'beauty shop!!'

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