Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Yeah... a light dusting!!

Well...I have to say....James Span missed it this go around, BIG TIME! We were supposed to get a 'light dusting' of snow! Nothing major compared to other parts of the State, etc. Well, around 10:00 this morning {while at work} I looked out and it was snowing! HARD! {And sticking to the ground!}

Well...'panic mode' set in with everyone and we all started scrambling to leave and get our kids, etc and get home safely! It was the biggest mess I have ever seen trying to pick up the girls! There were cars EVERYWHERE! Cars sliding, wrecks galore, and miles of traffic at a standstill! It really was horrible! No one was prepared at ALL for what we have gotten...and for what is still to come!

Thankfully, I got the girls and after an hour later....we were home! Yes, normally it takes me 5 minutes to get the girls and get home! OH NO, not today...an hour! I am sooo thankful that I did not have to drive in from Birmingham. If I still had my old job, I would probably be spending the night tonight in Birmingham! :(

On a positive note...the unexpected snow is really pretty to look at and see! It reminds me of the Blizzard of 1993! That was unexpected too and so pretty! I remember it SO clear! We all were stranded and everything was closed down...BUT....not us! My Dad had a Hummer {from his work} and we got to go everywhere! Even with the roads closed! I thought I was the coolest person EVER!! :)

So.....it is looking like we will be hunkered down here at home until Friday! School is closed tomorrow and Thursday! Pray we dont go stir crazy!! :)

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