Thursday, January 30, 2014

We are making it!

Well, today we are still hunkered down! The snow is slowly but surely melting away! There is still a TON of ice...which to kind of worse! I just got the news that schools {for Alexis and Lily} are closed tomorrow. Still waiting the verdict if JSU is closed. Fingers crossed, but either way I will be here hunkered down still with the girls!

We are getting a little bit more stir crazy! We are for SURE going to be excited {well maybe just me} to get out of the house and have a different atmosphere once it is safer! {Even if that consists of just going grocery shopping!!} :) Speaking of grocery grocery list was in my purse when this Snow storm hit, so needless to say...we are getting pretty slim on our food choices around here! We are going to have to make a grocery run SOON!

Other than that...all is well here! :)

Today Alexis and Lily got out EVERY stuffed animal they own...and they 'washed, dried, combed, fed and took them to the doctor!'
At least they are being productive! :)
The roads are looking a little better! No snow but on the grass!

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