Thursday, January 9, 2014


Day 6
National Championship!! WHOOO HOOOO!!! This picture marks the very beginning of a great game that ended a great season for the Tigers! Even though we lost, it was ours till the end and we can at least look back and say we made it there! War Eagle!

Day 7
Alexis came home with her very first AR reading book!! Mrs. Pollard has been giving her reading sheets and she has progressed so well through them, that she thought Alexis was ready for AR reading! She was so excited but nervous too! She did SO well reading it...and made 100% on her test the next day on it! She has had a book every night since then and has made 100% on all of them so far!

Day 8
OOHH nothing like a nice home cooked meal on a very very cold night! Nothing better to me than all of us around the table...with no distractions.....and eating as a family! I want this to continue forever!! Hopefully it will! :)

Day 9
Back to school at normal time!! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we have been delayed because we have had record lows! 7 degrees, yeah we have been COLD! So, Nan and Pawpaw have been helping take the girls to school since we {Tyler and I} still had to be at work at normal time! :(    So, this day was the first day of the week that they had to get up and get out the door alot earlier than we have been having to. I think we did a great job of doing it! :)

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