Saturday, January 25, 2014


We have had a great week. Poor Lily though has been couped up at home with her cough! :(
Pawpaw to the rescue though! They have had fun hanging out together!  Pawpaw hasnt had to many issues while hanging out at our house with her...except a couple of "not going to potty" incidents! :)

Day 21
We met Gran and Ben to eat....and on the way...Alexis tells me to look back at her! She loaded her lips down with pink lipstick that she found! :) She said she was an adult! :)
I had to put two pictures for my highlight of this day...because after Alexis told me that she wanted me to see her lips, Lily said "Mommy, take a picture of me with my lips!" She is sooo funny!

Day 22
This was how Lily was pretty much the whole week! Hanging out at home with Pawpaw relaxing and  trying to get over her cough! She could be found in comfy clothes with her "banket" and her Giraffe when I would come home for lunch! I enjoyed getting to see her in the middle part of the day this week! :)
I dont know if she enjoyed seeing me though because she knew seeing me consisted of a breathing treatment and being put down for her nap! :)

Day 23
It has been me and this cool chick heading to school/work this week! I have enjoyed her with me! She loves to tell me to crank up the music....and we sing {and sometimes dance} all the way to school!

Day 24
We met Aunt Pam, Richard, Gran, Ben, LaLa, Vic, Mallory, Nannie, Hogan, Mitchell and Brittney at Cracker Barrel to catch up and celebrate LaLa's birthday!

Day 25
AHHH.....sometimes it is nice to have some peace and quiet to myself! A Saturday morning where I didnt have to worry about getting up! I layed in bed with my nice comfy blanket and comfy socks! I got up when I wanted to!!
Yes, the girls begged to spend the night with LaLa! They were beyond excited to go with the Murphy's!
So...a day to myself! I will take that every once in awhile! :) The girls are going to the circus with Gran and Ben later on    AHHHH......   :)

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