Friday, January 17, 2014


Day 13
It is the little things...really...that make me happy! Soap in the work bathroom!...and it is Bath and Body Works! :)
I had to supply the soap, and then it ran out...and I didnt know it. I thought I was about to have to replace it again, and just look!! Someone put soap in there! :) It is the little things that can really highlight my day! :)

Day 14
Yomato!! YUM!! My girls wolf this down everytime! You do not have to tell them to eat when we are here! :)

Day 15
Family movie/fun night in our basement! Our basement is like a whole other world...and the girls get so excited when we go down there! {I think it is really because Daddy gives them a 'treat' bag when we go down there!!}

Day 16
Dont be alarmed! :) Highlight of this day.....getting to be a patient for our students to have their 'black out' emergency simulation! The students had NO idea what was about to happen to them! We all were patients for them...each with our own issues...and then all of a sudden the lights go out and they have to take care of us in the dark and without power! {I think I 'died' about 4 times} eekk!! But, it was a great learning experience for the students...and they loved the experience!! I did too!!

Day 17
Yeah....I need to work on my 'selfies'!! I know they are all the rave...however I dont so much like seeing them! But I had to do one with me and my girl to document our very very fun night together at the Miss JSU pageant!! I love this little best friend of mine! :)

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