Friday, January 17, 2014

Me and my girl!

I love love love that Alexis is getting old enough that she enjoys going and doing with me and she gets excited to 'hang out' with me and we can enjoy what we do because she acts so grown and isnt so needy! {like babies} :)

This week has been low key. We have done the same weekly groove of dance class, homework, AR reading, and a little bit of sickness. Yeah, poor Lily had a terrible bout with the stomach bug but thankfully she is back to her old self despite a small little cough and stuffed up nose. So glad we can have Pawpaw to the rescue when she gets called home from school. He took her straight on to the doctor without a problem! Thankfully too, just a little TLC and fluids without flu and RSV is what we came home from the doctor with! :)

Tonight though, Alexis and I had a great little night together! Daddy and Lily stayed home so Lily could rest and get in bed at her normal time and Alexis and I headed to the Miss JSU beauty pageant!! It was SO fun! Alexis literally was the only child there...and she did not care one bit! She LOVED being there! I kid you not...she had a smile on her face the whole time we watched the pageant! She loved the talent....with all the dancing and singing! Then she said her favorite part was the gowns! I think this is going to have to be a new yearly tradition for us to go together!

Alexis was SO excited that the "Pretty girl in the pretty pink dress that looks like you Mommy" won!! The girl that won had the same short hair cut that I do! Alexis said she looked like me! :)
{I take that as a compliment!} :) We had fun together....and cant wait until next year! :) One day....I can just see Alexis up there on the stage! :)
The stage! Alexis just could not wait for it to start! I asked her if she was excited to be there...and she said "Well of course Mommy!" :)

She RUSHED to her room when we got home and put on her "high heels" and her crown so she could pretend to be like the girls she saw! She got one of her microphones and walked around the living room singing and saying "My name is Alexis Kayte Law and I live in Jacksonville, Alabama!"  :)
Two sororities that were there had shakers and the other one snapped when their "girl" walked out on stage. So when we got home...Alexis got a "shaker" {which she thought up herself of her little sprinkle jar from her kitchen that goes with her ice creams} {pretty creative in my opinion} and she made me shake the shaker as she walked around and  made me snap my fingers for her too....just like all the girls did for their friends on stage! :)
It seems like yesterday that Alexis was up on the very same stage we saw tonight!
Circa 2012!! :) My little Queen! :)
She did SOOOO good in her pageant!! I was SO beyond proud and excited for her! She did sooo great...especially on her interview!!
And...look who won!! :)

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