Sunday, January 5, 2014

This little one...

This little one of mine, oh yes...she doesnt think that she is little but OH she is to me! She does things daily, by the minute though...that is making me realize that she is becoming less of a little one!
Little 'quirks' she has...that makes me smile!
1. She says "I 'lub' you Mommy!" *Lub instead of Love :)
2. She says "Top it Mommy!" **Top it instead of Stop it!
3. She says "Hold you Mommy! **When she wants me to hold her!
4. She makes me give her at least three kisses, "On the lips Mommy!" before she will not get mad when I leave her room to go to bed!
5. She still drags her stuffed Giraffe everywhere she goes
6. She will get mad at me or Daddy if we get on to Alexis...but if Alexis is in trouble, she will give Alexis this funny little look and say "Sissy, you in trouble!"
7. She loves loves chocolate! And she will run up to me with the cutest little grin and her face cocked sideways and say "Chocket, Mommy?" {She thinks that if she gives me the grin that she does, that I will give her some!} **She says Chocket instead of chocolate!
8. Someone will say "Lily, you are funny" {for example} and she will look at them SO serious and say "NO! I am Lily!!" :)
9. She follows Alexis around like a little lost puppy! BUT she knows in her head that she CAN do everything Alexis can! Does not matter to her that she is not 5! :)
10. She says "I want to watch TB Mommy!" **TB instead of TV! :)   Funny story, we were at Lana's house..and we were sitting her in livingroom. She has a TV cabinet and she had the doors closed on it so you could not see her TV in there. Well....Lily starts looking around, and then turns to Lana with all seriousness and concern and says "LaLa, you not have a TB???!!" It was HILARIOUS!! Lily was just so concerned that La La did not have a TB!!! :)

She is constantly making me laugh with how serious she can be about whatever topic that she is on!
She will just get so serious and do this certain "voice" and say "Not funny, or not fair!"

Tyler and I look at her daily and just smile at each other as we watch this little one....  :)

My little one...
 "Posing!" :)
Such a cutie!! :)
I am 2!! :)  As she tries to do two fingers!
And yet again...I love to see the same cute outfit on both girls! Here is Alexis in it!
Circa 2010!!
Brings back sweet memories! :)
My little model! :)

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