Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pretty feet!

Today as we headed to Church, I told the girls to let me take a quick picture or two of them in their cute outfits! {surprise surprise!}

Alexis actually didnt say anything about me wanting a picture this go around! ONLY because, she wanted me to take a picture of her with her "pretty feet!" {She has been practicing her "pretty feet" ever since we came home from the pageant!}

We met Nan and Pawpaw at Solid Rock cafe after Church and filled up on some great food and now..... ahhh.... now BOTH girls are asleep and I am about to take one too................  ahhhh.....

Notice Alexis' feet! This "pose" is what she calls "pretty feet!" She says the pageant girls walk and then stand like she is in the picture! :)

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